What are the marijuana laws and penalties of Massachusetts?
Marijuana may be legalized in Massachusetts, but there are still laws and regulations. Anyone who uses this plant should be aware of the laws and penalties surrounding it.
Massachusetts is one of the states that has legalized the use and possession of marijuana for adults over the age of 21. This does not mean, however, that someone can have any amount of marijuana at all times. It is still possible to be charged with marijuana possession and distribution crimes. Knowing the current marijuana laws and penalties in Massachusetts is important for anyone using this substance for medical or recreational purposes.
Marijuana possession penalties
Adults 21 and older can go about with up to 1 ounce of marijuana on their persons. Within the home, it is legal to have up to 10 ounces. However, someone who is caught with more than 1 ounce for the first time could be charged with a misdemeanor, sentenced to up to 6 months of jail time and fined up to $500. If he or she has any prior offenses, the jail time could be as long as two years and the fine could be as much as $2,000.
Marijuana distribution penalties
Only licensed dispensaries may legally sell and distribute marijuana, but anyone of legal age may grow up to six plants in his or her home. Selling less than 50 pounds of marijuana is not classified as a type of felony or misdemeanor, but depending on the number of prior offenses, the fine ranges from $5,000 to $ 10,000 and the jail sentence ranges from 0 to 2.5 years. Selling between 50 and 100 pounds may be a felony with a prison sentence from 1 to 15 years. If the police catch someone selling between 100 and 2,000 pounds of marijuana, he or she could be charged with a felony, sentenced between 2 and 15 years and may be required to pay a fine of up to $10,000. Those caught selling within 300 feet of a school or 100 feet of a public park could be charged with an additional felony.
Possession with intent to distribute
Possession with intent to distribute is given the same penalties per weight possessed as distribution itself. Which crime someone is charged with depends on what exactly he or she was doing at the time.
who has been charged with a marijuana-related crime, regardless of whether they use it medically or recreationally, may require a sound and confident legal defense. An attorney in the local area who practices criminal law may be able to assist in such matters.